Can the CWSA™ accommodate wines and spirits available in the rest of the world, that are not yet available in the Chinese market?

Office -

Thank you for your message to CWSA™ - The Ultimate Accolade.


CWSA™ is known internationally as the ultimate highest level in the Hong Kong, China, and Asian markets.

Wines and spirits that are available both internationally, AND in the China market are accepted for Judging.

The world's most famous brands that are successful and win at CWSA™, display their CWSA™ medal stickers on bottles available globally to reflect their CWSA™ status. A significant number of international brands enter CWSA™, before having distribution in the market and have gone on to becoming the most successful and recognizable brands in Hong Kong and China.  See these wine and spirits promoting their CWSA™ Medals in store here

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and it is time to enter your products now for the forthcoming CWSA™ competition... 

We wish you success and an incredible season.

Very best wishes,

CWSA™ Support

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