FAQ for Entrants and Winners
Frequently Asked Questions about the China Wine and Spirits Awards.
- ★ I want to purchase 1 x roll of CWSA™ stickers/License to Print but the minimum required items in cart is 5. Is it possible to place an order for 1 item only?
- How do I send my WINE samples?
- Do I need to send 2 bottles only even if my bottle size is 350ml and not 750ml?
- We order CWSA™ License to Print. May we amend the colour/tone slightly for printing purposes?
- On the CWSA™ entry forms It asks the region from where the wine is produced, and also the appellation. Isn’t this the same thing?
- We would like to enter our beers/craft beers to CWSA™. How can we participate?
- Are the stickers for CWSA Best Value gold medals the same as for the normal CWSA gold medals?
- We would like to enter. Do you accept visitors from suppliers?
- I would like to participate to CWSA™. Do you accept handcrafted fruit wines?
- We are a CWSA™ Winner! Please can you send us a spreadsheet of all Winners for us to see all CWSA™ Results?
- My package from CWSA™ was placed on hold by customs/courier/shipper. Do I have to pay for additional fees inorder to receive my CWSA™ Medal Stickers order?
- Can I stock/store my product at CWSA™ HQ till the next competition?
- I want to order the CWSA™ Medal Stickers. How long will it take me to receive them?
- We entered CWSA/CWSA™ Best Value. When can we see the CWSA™ Results?
- We are a CWSA™ Winner and are ordering CWSA™ Medal Stickers. What is the inside and outside core diameter of a roll of medals to inform our bottler?
- We are entering CWSA™. Can we request our samples back after the Tasting Week?
- We are CWSA™ Medal Winners. We would like to promote our wine and request the artwork without the year of the CWSA™ Medal. Please can you send it to us?
- We have entered or want to enter CWSA™. What are the rates for different numbers of entries, including large numbers of entries?
- We have already sent our entry forms to CWSA™ organisation and are now sending our samples. We hope they will arrive in time. What is the latest date we can send our samples to arrive in time for CWSA™ Tasting?
- We are sending our entries to CWSA™. Do we need to send any certificate of origin?
- We want to advertise/book a booth/exhibit/participate in exhibition our Wine/Spirits brand at CWSA™. How do we book that?
- We are printing the CWSA™ License to Print. What are the Charter Colours to give to our Printer?
- We are a CWSA™ Winner! Can we print our CWSA™ Medals on bottles alongside other medals we already have?
- Does CWSA™ release Judges Notes/Comments from Judges?
- What is the difference between Gold and Double Gold CWSA™ Medals?
- Are CWSA™ Medal Sticker Price and CWSA™ License to print the same?
- What are the usage rights to CWSA™ Medal artwork? Is there a time limit to usage? Is there a restriction to what we can use artwork for? Shall we purchase the License to Print?
- We want to enter. What are the dates for the CWSA™ competition?
- What score corresponds to each medal?
- We entered CWSA™ and are excited for the results. Did we win at CWSA™? Are the results out? Did we win a CWSA™ Medal?