We entered CWSA™ and are excited for the results. Did we win at CWSA™? Are the results out? Did we win a CWSA™ Medal?

Office -

Thank you for your message to CWSA™ - The Ultimate Accolade.

Good news, the results for all CWSA™ competitions are LIVE here...

- Please click on the name and year of the competition you have entered
- When in the appropriate results page, type your brand name into the search box 
- You can filter by name/vintage/country/type (red/white/sparkling)/price also

We hope your products reached the level you hoped for, and we wish you great success in the fastest growing wine and spirits market in the world. 

If you did win a CWSA™ medal - congratulations! It is time to order your CWSA™ Medal Stickers here...

Enjoy the complimentary advice on how to promote being a CWSA™ winner here...

Winners are provided with Official Digital Certificates and Medal Artwork to further attract attention.


See your products at the next CWSA™ which is now accepting entries http://www.cwsa.org/enter/

Very best regards, 

CWSA™ Support

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