We want to advertise/book a booth/exhibit/participate in exhibition our Wine/Spirits brand at CWSA™. How do we book that?

Office -

Thank you for your message to CWSA™ - The Ultimate Accolade.

The CWSA™ Judges are renowned as the most influential wine and spirits Importers, Distributors and Retailers in the market.

The blind tastings are exclusively open to the invited Judges and media and images are released throughout the Tasting Week.
Good news! There are THREE easy methods for registration:

1. Online
Head to http://www.cwsa.org/enter Online entries will be completed when accompanied by full payment through one of the convenient payment methods including major credit cards.

2. Fax
Head to http://www.cwsa.org/enter and download to entry form and fax to +852 3011 9505

3. Post
Head to http://www.cwsa.org/enter and post to:
China Wine & Spirits Awards
Unit 10, 5/F, 25 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong

The key dates for your diary are kept uptodate on http://www.cwsa.org It is time to enter your products to the forthcoming CWSA™ competition now...


For further assistance, kindly email support@cwsa.org and we will endeavour to reply to you in 24 hours.

We wish you success and an incredible season.

Very best regards,

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