We won at CWSA™! How do we receive the medals or certificate?

Office -

Thank you for your message to CWSA™ - The Ultimate Accolade.

CWSA™ Certificates - Kindly go to the CWSA™ Results page and to the CWSA™ competition you were successful at…http://www.cwsa.org/result/ On the right side of the list of CWSA™ Winners you will see a column named ‘Certificate’ and then a green box named ‘PDF’. Click here for your CWSA™ certificate. You may print this and also send via email to all your existing and potential partners – Distributors, Importers and Retailers.

CWSA™ Medal Stickers - CWSA™ Medal Stickers showcase winning wines to buyers who are seeking the all important CWSA™ stamp of approval. Whether you are the Producer, Distributor, Importer or Retailer, now is your chance to celebrate and boost sales. Head to the CWSA™ Sticker Shop to place your order and enjoy the Early Bird rate https://cwsa.org/sticker-shop/

The key dates for your diary are kept uptodate on http://www.cwsa.org and it is time to enter your products now for the forthcoming CWSA™ competition... http://www.cwsa.org/enter/

We wish you success and an incredible season.

Very best wishes,

CWSA™ Support


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